Our services

Our primary services are:

– proofreading the English of articles for publication in a target journal that is an international journal, working directly with the author,

– assisting people in preparing and practicing presentations for international conferences and other events, and

– general consulting on matters related to academic English and publishing in English, including review of the requirements of a specific journal and review of possible predatory journals and conferences.

Please see the pages here for more details and the request forms.

Please note that our services are provided in English (although some words of Russian if needed will work!). The language of the Center is English, and priority is placed on people doing their work in English, not as a translation. We do not polish translations, with some exceptions if it is the author's own work.

Also, please note that the request forms should be completed in English, and any letters/emails you send to us should be in English.

Our services do not include:

– teaching English (that’s not us!)(and those who need more basic English are encouraged to contact the Department of Foreign Languages),

– finding or choosing a suitable journal for an article, or making lists (but we’ll show you how Scopus works),

– translating or giving advice on translation issues (we do have some written style advice for translators), or

– any work that is needed 'tomorrow' (or 'yesterday'!) (there is a 2-week minimum for most requests).